Ver: 0.1.0
Game Ver: OB 0.1
Latest Update: 2/22/2024

Name Info Link
Current Price Sorry, we don't offer this function yet
Free Trial βœ…, Max 8 hours, Ends at ♾️ β†—
Closed Beta βœ…, Now ended
Open Beta βœ…, Now ended
Early Access βœ…, Now ended, Included in Premium
Release: Standard(PC) $59.99 β†—
Release: Premium(PC) $89.99 β†—
Release: Ubisoft+(Premium)(PC) $17.99/month β†—
Release: Standard(Xbox) $69.99 β†—
Release: Premium(Xbox) $99.99 β†—
Release: Standard(PS5) $69.99 β†—
Release: Premium(PS5) $99.99 β†—
Steam ❌
Epic βœ… β†—
Ubisoft Store βœ… β†—

Ship Combat Physics Very Good, Realistic
Fort Siege βœ…, Co-Op but can solo if strong
Bounty Hunt βœ…, Co-Op but can solo if strong
Sword Combat ❌
Land Combat ❌
Crew Boarding βœ… But no sword combat which can be huge
ETGB(Estimated Time to Get Bored) 30~120h, Combat feels a bit repetitive after 30h
Open World βœ…
Leveling Common RPG like
Level Scaling βœ…, Not always

System Grind to Win, Pilot Elo
Pay to Win None or Extremely Low
Pay to Time None or Extremely Low
Always PVP ❌, Most time PVE, Exploring
Forced PVP βœ…, For high rewards

Tilting Ship βœ…, can be annoying
Headwinds βœ…

#Visual Details - Sea
NameInfo Link
Ray Tracing βœ…
Representation of sea Very Good, Realistic
Representation of sea surface Very Good, Realistic
The transparent view in the shallow waters βœ…, Beautiful, Realistic
Sunlight reflecting on the water surface Very Good, Realistic
Representation of waves Very Good, Realistic,
The ship sways heavily with the waves,
You can ride Tsunami(Rogue Waves)
Implementation of day and night βœ…, You can see sunrise
Tornado βœ…
Lightning striking the sea βœ…
Sea clouds βœ…, You can see huge Dark clouds
Sea mist βŒβ”
Sea breeze βœ…, You can see Headwinds
Rain βœ…, Gentle
Snow ❌
Ocean whale jumping βœ…
Seabirds βœ…
Scarlet Seabirds βœ…, Flying motion feels a bit repetitive β†—
Underwater ❌, Transparent view is all you can get

Seasonal Repetitive Quests βŒβ”
Monthly Repetitive Quests βŒβ”
Weekly Repetitive Quests βŒβ”
Daily Repetitive Quests βœ…
Escort Quests βœ…, Only one quest
Hidden Quests ❔
DLC Quests ❔
Twitch Drop Quests βŒβ”
Quests by location Port, Island, Sea

Protection Battleye
EHP(Estimated Hack Pollution) Extremely Low
Cheater seen by HQ None(Total~30h, ExploreAll, OB)